

The Best Hickory Golf Courses Around the World

Posted by Knicks, Links, & Inks Publishing on Feb 1st 2024

Hickory golf, with its roots deeply planted in the early traditions of the sport, offers a unique way to experience golf as it was played over a century ago. For enthusiasts looking to immerse themsel … read more

Meet the Legends of Hickory Golf

Posted by Knicks, Links, & Inks Publishing on Jan 15th 2024

Hickory golf, with its deep roots in the history of the sport, has seen a resurgence in popularity as players seek to reconnect with the traditions and challenges of early golf. Central to this reviva … read more

How to Dress for a Hickory Golf Tournament

Posted by Knicks, Links, & Inks Publishing on Jan 1st 2024

Participating in a hickory golf tournament is not just about embracing the challenge of using vintage clubs; it's also an opportunity to step back in time and dress the part. The attire for these even … read more

Why Hickory Golf is Making a Comeback

Posted by Knicks, Links, & Inks Publishing on Dec 15th 2023

Golf, a sport rich in tradition and history, is experiencing a revival of one of its most classic forms: hickory golf. This resurgence is captivating golf enthusiasts who appreciate the charm and chal … read more